Arizona State Parks | Here's the official scoop on must-see places like Kartchner Caverns and Boyce Thompson Arboretum. Other favorites, such as Picacho Peak and Tonto Natural Bridge State Parks are to be closed June 3rd, 2010 as a result of budget cuts by the Arizona state legislature. The Arizona State Parks page also has a map and a dwindling list of the remaining parks. |
Arizona Highways | The site includes a hike of the month and a hike of the month archive. |
Arizona Hikers | ArizonaHikers is a community driven site, dedicated to all those who love hiking & backpacking in Arizona, or anywhere. |
Arizona Hiking Trails | John and Heather Verley offer a lot of great info on hikes all over the state. The well-maintained site also includes their gear reviews and ongoing journal, "Naked in the Woods". No, they aren't nudists. That's just what the journal is called. |
AZventure in Hiking | Describes itself as the most complete listing of Arizona-related hiking links available on the Web. Included is a journal of hikes around Arizona and the ability of cyber-hikers to post their favorite Arizona hikes. |
BLM Wilderness | This link to the U.S. Bureau of Land Management has an excellent map of all the wilderness areas in Arizona. |
GORP Arizona | The Great Outdoor Recreation Pages are a treasure-trove of information.
The Arizona specific page is full of great articles and links to parks, wilderness areas, wildlife sanctuaries, etc. located in the state. |
Hike Arizona | Index of Arizona hiking trails. |
Hiking Arizona | Hike planning on the Arizona Republic web site. |
Hiking Trails |
A pretty good and comprehensive guide on Access Arizona's web site.
Some hikes are easy, some are killer. |
The Nature Conservancy | Preserves and presence in Arizona |
Phoenix Parks Info |
Public Lands Information Center |
A single source of information about recreation and land use on all public lands in a state, regardless of managing agency. Find out where to go, when to go, what to do, and how much it will cost.
Preventing Blisters | Useful advice for everyone, from a women's hiking web site. |
Arizona Adventurers | Arizona Adventurers is the valley's all-volunteer Jewish Outdoor Club.
It is a group of Jewish couples and singles ages 21 and up. |
East Valley JCC | Web site of the JCC serving the east valley. Formerly known as the Tri-City JCC. |
EcoChai | EcoChai is a Phoenix-area Jewish environmental group.
It is kind of like COEJL with an Arizona flavor. |
Hillel at ASU |
The Hillel Foundation on the campus of Arizona State University serves the needs of Jewish students, faculty, employees and young professionals.
Jewish Federation |
The Jewish Federation of Greater Phoenix
Jewish News of Greater Phoenix |
The newspaper of the Phoenix-area Jewish community.
Jewish Sisterhood |
The Jewish Sisterhood is a new group for Jewish women in their 20s and 30s in the Greater Phoenix Area. |
Jewish Tution Organization |
Receive an Arizona state tax credit (a credit, not just a deduction!) for helping give local kids an education in a Jewish day school. |
L'Chaim | L'Chaim is a Jewish social group with a mission to bring together young Jews in Arizona for entertainment, networking, and to build better connections.
ShabbatLuck | Shabbat Potlucks in large (>100 peeps) and small group settings. We look forward to introducing you to other Jewish singles and couples and their 20's and 30's living in the Greater Phoenix area! |
Tribe |
The new Jewish singles group in AZ. Anyone over 21 and under 35 is invited to come party. |
Valley of the Sun JCC | Web site of the JCC serving Scottsdale and the northeast valley. |
YJP | Young Jewish Phoenix (YJP) is a new collaborative project designed to develop and create dynamic ways to engage the Jewish young adult population of greater Phoenix. Young Jewish Phoenix is for young Jewish singles and couples, ages 22-40. |
Lake Pleasant |
Located around 30 minutes north of Phoenix, Lake Pleasant is yet another of the dammed lakes in the mountains around the city.
Some picnic ramadas available for a fee.
Lots of boating activity, but no boat rentals that I'm aware of.
Far-Flung Adventures
Offers whitewater river rafting on the upper Salt River and elsewhere.
Arizona Rivers
Basic information for river trips such as location, length, class of rapids, and sources of other info.
Canyon Lake Marina
Here's a place you can rent a variety of water craft. Located east of the Phoenix metro area. You can also tour the lake on the Dolly Steamboat.
Salt River Tubing Saguaro Lake Ranch |
Where people go to "tube the Salt River".
These outfitters rent tubes and provide transportation between the parking area and the pick-up/drop-off sites.
You can bring your own vessel and handle your own transportation (they don't have a monopoly on access to the Salt River), but this is the way most people do it.
Also see Maria's Salt River Tubing Page for extra information on tubing the Salt River.
See this article for additionional information.
Salt River Water Level |
Here is a hydrograph reporting flows on the Salt River.
Watershed Monitor | The Watershed Monitor web site provides information collected by United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the Salt River Project(SRP).
It is a handy source of precipitation and water flow data. |
River Camping | Lots of helpful into and checklists on REI's web site. |
There is skiing in the vicinity of Flagstaff, Show Low (east central), and Tucson.
Snowbowl in Flagstaff is closest (a day ski trip from Phoenix is feasible),
but Sunrise near Show Low has the best skiing.
Ahavas Torah | A welcoming, modern orthodox congregation located in North Scottsdale. |
Chabad of Scottsdale | Located near Scottsdale and Shea. |
Congregation Beth El | Conservative synagogue located in Phoenix. |
Har Zion | Conservative synagogue located in Scottsdale. |
The New Shul | A traditional, egalitarian Jewish congregation that is unaffiliated with any organized movement. Relocated in late 2007 to Paradise Lane in the Scottsdale Airpark. |
Temple Beth Sholom | East Valley Conservative congregation. |
Temple Chai | Reform synagogue located in north Phoenix, has singles Shabbats; mostly an older crowd. |
Solel | Reform synagogue located in southeast Paradise Valley. |
Temple Kol Ami | Reform synagogue located in Scottsdale between Greenway and Thunderbird. |
Ruach Hamidbar | Spirit of the Desert, a "Jewish Renewal" congregation. |
Arizona Trail Association | A non-profit dedicated to the 800-mile trail that is to run the entire length of Arizona north to south.
Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life
engages Jewish institutions and individuals in bringing the moral passion of Jewish tradition and social action to environmental stewardship in order to preserve the integrity of creation, advance social justice, protect future generations, and strengthen the Jewish community.
Jewish Singles Hiking San Diego |
A hiking group for Jewish Singles in San Diego. Founded in 2004 by moved-away Arizona Adventurer and trail chef extrordinaire Gloria Jardoun.
Jewish Outdoor Adventures |
A Jewish hiking group in Los Angeles.
Jewish Sports |
The home of Jewish and Israeli sports on the web!
Jewish Vegetarians of North America.
MOCA is the network of non-profit organizations dedicated to organizing outdoor, active, and/or environmental activities for Jewish adults.
While Arizona Adventurers is not affiliated with Mosaic,
we've had some friendly contacts from time to time.
Why no affiliation?
It has come up in past years, and the short answer is: because the leaders in AZAd see it as more beneficial to focus our limited volunteer energy on local, rather than national relations and because it has kept our cost structure coniderably lower for the quality we get.
AZAd handles relatively little money compared to other clubs, and that is the way we like it.
That all said, Mosaic is a great organization with some great events on a national scale and we heartily cheer them on.
The web sites of a nearby local chapters: Los Angeles (beware annoying popup ads!). |
Maven |
Jewish and Israel Directory with thousands of directories and links.
NOLS Home |
The National Outdoor Leadership School has the finest instructors in the world for teaching wilderness backpacking skills.
Sierra Club |
Arizona's local chapter of the Sierra Club.
TEVA Adventure |
Outdoor adventure programs & travel, environmental education for the International Jewish Community. While this organization is a great idea, their website has been idle since 2005. |
Bonnie the Matchmaker |
Bonnie Wills is a local matchmaker with a special interest and involvement in the Jewish community. Until recently, her company was known as "Succesful Singles".
Also see this article about her in the Jewish News.
Frumster |
Are you serious about marriage and about having a deeply observant Jewish life? Do you keep kosher, and do you observe Shabbat and the other Mitzvot in some recognizable way, shape or form? This is the web site for you! We learned about this web site when it brought a friend together with his besherte.
JDate |
The grandaddy of Jewish dating sites. Has absolutely more Jewish singles than any other site.
Saw You at Sinai | Whether you call it 'JDate but with matchmakers running interference for you' or 'Matchmakers enter the Internet age', this Jewish matchmaking site makes a respectable effort to dispell the drawbacks of past approaches to finding a spouse. |
Speed Dating |
Conducts Online Speed Dating and organizes local Speed Dating events as well.
| | Lori's Earth Friendly Products: Natural, Delicious, Healthy Kosher Products:Fiber Products, Kosher Cheese, Bakery Products, More. |
Feig's | Feig's has been the kosher deli and market in Tucson for over sixty years. The store shows great attention to food quality, and is said by The Rosengarten Report to have the best kosher corned beef in the America. |
Scottsdale Kosher Market | Scottsdale's only kosher restaurant in continuous operation. They're attached to Mazel Tov Gifts. Both are owned by Chabad of Scottsdale. |
Segal's | Segal's Kosher Foods is a Phoenix institution.
It says so right on the web site, and I can't imagine anyone arguing it isn't.
It is both a kosher market and dine-in restaurant.
They have both "traditional" and Asian menus (how fitting!).
If you eat beef, you have to try the Hickory burger with curly fries.
And remember, "Wednesday night is BBQ rib night"!
Pita Delight | Pita Delight is an attractive kosher restaurant in Chandler. The food looks good, but beware that they share a wall with a VFW post that is exempt from the Smoke-Free Arizona Act. If you've got a problem with cigarette smoke around and inside the restaurant, you'd better call in a carry-out order. |
Amazing Journeys | With ties to the Pittsburgh JCC, this tour operator puts together some of the most fantastic trips for Jewish Singles. |
Dating on |
Part of the online presence of Aish HaTorah, this site provides some excellent resources to help you find your beshert.
Do not miss Jessica's Journal. Situated right here in Phoenix, it is the ongoing, fictionalized account of a modern, professional, Jewish woman's "quest for the sparkling ring". Very true to life!
GenerationJ |
GenerationJ is a webzine for Jewish Generation X, Jewish related articles, stories for Jewish 20s and 30s, Jewish relationships, parenting, spirituality, social action, politics, health and fitness, culture, chat room, forum, and discussion board.
Jewish and Single |
Includes events and search engine for Jewish Singles activities and events.
Jewish Match |
An online magazine dedicated to Jewish singles.
Jewish LA Singles |
Singles page of the Los Angeles Jewish Federation.
Jewish Outreach Institute |
Resources for people concerned about interfaith marriage.
Jewish Sports |
The home of Jewish and Israeli sports on the web!