June 9
West Clear Creek HikeDifficulty Rating: C+
Join us for a streamside hike in the West Clear Creek Wilderness, near Camp Verde. We'll hike in from the western end of the wilderness. Expect to cross the creek at least 8 times (4 each way). We'll pass pools of water and can go for a swim. Chilly water but refreshing. The round-trip distance is approximately 11 miles. There is not much elevation gain on this hike. Even if you don't want to swim, you'll still get your feet wet. Make sure to bring a hiking stick or trekking poles for the creek crossings. In addition, bring lots of water (3 liters), sun block, a hat, swimsuit, towel, lunch, gas money for the driver, change of clothes, water shoes, a bag to put muddy shoes into after the hike. For details and to RSVP, contact Jim Graham (using this form).

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